Hey Capital, might you regenerate the planet?

Finance is the mother of human-made systems. It is unrivaled in both its responsibility for the polycrisis and as a potential maker of alternative worlds.

The investment landscape is saturated with strategies, market opportunities, and new 21st-century risk frameworks that represent step-change iterations of business-as-usual. Continuing to funnel financial and other capitals into these structures further entrenches the dominant culture of separation, extraction, and dispossession at the root of our polycrisis. 

The Accelerator is a refuge for you and your fellow edgewalkers who are often isolated on islands, separated by a sea of investing as usual. Now is your opportunity to unite on an unconventional journey to deconstruct and rebuild the House of Finance that no single actor can do alone. It’s high time 21st-century investments reflect the realities and possibilities of serving all life.

transformative journeys begin with bold inquiries

Accelerator inquiries designed to shine light into the darkness

Who must we become to meet this moment of polycrisis and transition?

How can we practice finance as a healing art?

What adventures and challenges await on the journey to wielding money in service of all life?

How do we know when we are creating conditions for transformation?

How might we presence what is absent or distant—bodies, edge communities, the sacred—to reshape finance?

The goods

Together we can redirect the power of capital as medicine

The Accelerator is perhaps one of many new beginnings for you without prescriptive ends. It’s designed to be an experience that flows through you and the collective you’ll be travelling with for these six months. By stepping into this journey with us, you will have the opportunity to:

Inhabit a collective field of possibility with fellow edgewalkers

Access privileged knowledges and investment opportunities

Deepen your capacities for leadership in times of transition

Shape the future of finance and investing

Get practical as we reinvent and design financial instruments

Leave behind old ways of thinking, doing, metabolizing, and directing

Recover, discover, and integrate new ways of being

  • "It's easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism."

    Fredric Jameson

  • "When the world we are trying to explain and improve, however, is not well described by a simple model, we must continue to improve our frameworks and theories so as to be able to understand complexity and not simply reject it.”

    Elinor Ostrom

  • "We are here, after all, to build bridges between worlds."

    Elie Wiesel

  • "It is in this space of mastery over paradigms that people throw off addictions, live in constant joy, bring down empires, get locked up or burned at the stake or crucified or shot, and have impacts that last for millennia."

    Donella Meadows

  • “Awareness of our situation must come before inner changes, which in turn come before changes in society. Nothing happens in the 'real' world unless it first happens in the images in our heads.”

    Gloria Anzaldúa